Divide And Conquer

A common denominator among the successful is that they are focused n the immediate accomplishment of specific objects. Separate the important from the urgent and allow time for both. Break down any large task into a series of small task and start taking action. In the beginning, don’t be too concerned with how you will achiever your goals. With commitment, research and patience, the means will come. Answers materialize when the facts have been collected. Your goals will evolve into a set of action-oriented objective, which will become a series of to-dos list.

Now prioritize. If you don’t prioritize your day’s activities, everything is of equal important. Whether one thing gets done or not, it doesn’t matter. You want your activities to be important, to have had a clearly defined purpose. Write your daily objectives a challenge. At the end of each day, you will be able to relax and bask in that wonderful feeling of accomplishment.

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