Life After Breakup

The fact that the consequences of a break-up can be dire and long-term for somepeople is an observable one. One’s heart being crushed may feel like an evil-spirited felony, but it is not. Victims of such enter into a very uncomfortable reality. It is not an uncommon thing, break-ups, but they never fail to be emotionally stirring and earth-jerking. The emotional and mental effects can be simply staggering. Webster’s dictionary, respected and sound, states that “break up” means “To separate; disperse. To take apart; dismantle.” Also, the heart of the definition, “To put a stop to.” Below, I will attempt to divulge deep-seeded reasons why life after the break-up for some people is traumatic, freezing, and harsh.

When a partner decides “To put a stop to” the relationship the other may have never seen it coming. In addition, they may have never considered the notion or it was the last thing on their mind. If this is the case, inner hell will ensue. The great lover has now become the great antagonist, “Dispersing” and “Dismantling” all one had invested in everyway and all one was ever going to invest. Merely writing these words is chilling. One’s momentum, totally powering one way, has just been decimated by a surprising juggernaut. Nothing in the victim’s favor can be done about it. So many gifts, plans, and pure intentions one imagined to be carried out--gone. These are critical investments, indeed. Investments now scattered, never to be retrieved.

Brainsick, angry, and disturbed. These adjectives depict well the feelings after a break-up. At any moment in the day a hideous thought could arise and one can begin to smolder. Somebody may say something or some image could trigger raging, unhealthy emotions. Unfortunately, these feelings are a burden mostly channeled on one’s own. The grief and anger clearly has the power to destroy a person. This is an observable fact. Also, if one can eventually summon the inspiration, it can also be used constructively and make one, believe it or not, a better person.

So now there is this big future with nothing inside it but oneself. A shuddering estimation. The future presents itself as a force to be reckoned with. One has to now attempt to fill it with things that would be dwarfed in importance compared to one’s former lover. This must be embraced. These smaller things need to be able to tie one over until time permits legit healing. An original note to be added is that some people choose not to fill the future or void with anything worthwhile because they feel it would be disrespectful to the prior relationship. Their relationship was something sacred to them and they would feel morally wrong to advance. Indeed, this is a quiet reality.

Love is a juggernaut. It is like fire. Fire can warm or it can burn, depending on how it is used. Perhaps us humans should be more responsible and informed with love. It is a very big deal and the ramifications heavy. Breaking up is linked to love. And don’t forget it.

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