Risk Failure

Be ready. There is no better time to start taking positive action than right now. You research and you have confident in your preparations. You don’t allow yourself to become paralyzed by indecision. You realize that a time comes when you must act. If you hesitate too long, doubts will linger and turn into fears. Yes, you may stumbles. Yes, you may be rejected. Yes, you may fail. This is life. Life’s winners accept that in trying they may have to adjust and even start again and again. The difference between successful people and other is not whether you make mistakes or even temporarily fail, but how you respond.

Many people look for guarantees before taking independent action. Yet, in seeking assurances, they frequently receive cautions, which can easily be used as excuses for inaction. Be aware that those who love you the most may be the loudest in warning you not to risk.

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