The Summary of the People I Like and Hate

We all have those types of people who bother the living crap out of us. Everyday, we walk down the street or drive to work, encountering these people once every few seconds. Our gut reaction is always the same, "Please get me out of here before I go crazy!!!" If it isn't the loud cell phone talkers, it's the cell phone drivers. If it isn't the slow drivers, it's the tailgaters. If it isn't the (insert people you hate here), it's the (insert people you hate here). Get my point?

Read more about the people I hate at Ask Gary Dot Org

We go through each day learning to tolerate these types of people. We find ways to take our minds off the pain, but sometimes it doesn't work. Let's make it a little easier. I'm going to call out the types of people I just can't stand.

The first pie chart is very easy to read. It sums up the types of people I like, and the types of people I don't like. As you can say, the people I don't like outweigh the people I like. There must be a lot of people I don't like, or maybe I'm just not very tolerant.

The second pie chart expands upon the people I don't like. There are a few different categories, but there are some that stand out the most to me.

First of all, MySpacers, otherwise know as people who spam their face all over that social networking site (which, by the way, needs a server upgrade). What gets me about MySpacers is the fact they always feel the need to befriend me. Obviously, if I knew you, I would already be friends with you, or if I wanted to be friends with you, I would've said so. Another thing that gets me about MySpacers is the fact that 99% of them are terrible at designing their pages. I don't want to scroll through 143 pages of crap just to see the bad comment I wrote about them.

Second, cell phone drivers, also known as the operator of the two ton death mobile. To the people that drive while talking on the phone: HANG UP YOUR CELL PHONE BEFORE YOU KILL ME. What will it take until these people realize they have no business being on the road using one of the most distracting pieces of equipment know to modern man? Is talking to Jimbo more important than driving a car that could possibly kill someone? Is telling him you broke a nail more important?

Lastly, loud talkers. I wish my ears had a volume knob. Nothing is worse than hearing someone yell into their cell phone. If your cell phone is so bad you have to yell into just so the other person hears you, I think it is time you get a new cell phone. I'll even donate some money so your poor ass can buy a new one. At least I won't have to be hearing your obnoxious voice broadcasted five miles.

If you have anymore that you think I should add to this list, please let me know. I would be happy to discuss them with you. Who knows, maybe I'll add it to my next article.

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